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Clouds are familiar during the day, usually during fair weather
a beautiful background with blue transparent sky air and white fluffy clouds fair weather cumulus humilis on a sunny hot day
coastline, rocky cliffs, greenery, rural landscape, clear sky, gentle waves, erosion, scenic view, fair weather
Cumulus clouds are iconic features of the sky , often appearing on sunny days and serving as both indicators of fair weather  and potential precursors to thunderstorms
A bright cloud is a fluffy formation in the sky that appears white or light gray, often with defined edges, typically indicating fair weather.

Free stock photosfair weather (6)

Illinois prairie late in August (focus on goldenrod in foreground)Image used under license from Freestock.com<a href="https://www.freestock.com/free-photos/illinois-prairie-late-august-focus-goldenrod-59851651">Image used under license from Freestock.com</a>
Staggered lane numbers on rubberized surface of all-weather running trackImage used under license from Freestock.com<a href="https://www.freestock.com/free-photos/staggered-lane-numbers-rubberized-surface-allweather-87768805">Image used under license from Freestock.com</a>
Numbers one through four atop old schooling gate on equestrian training trackImage used under license from Freestock.com<a href="https://www.freestock.com/free-photos/numbers-four-atop-old-schooling-gate-59851654">Image used under license from Freestock.com</a>
Home team's corner of scoreboardImage used under license from Freestock.com<a href="https://www.freestock.com/free-photos/home-teams-corner-scoreboard-3252989">Image used under license from Freestock.com</a>
Dogleg with bunkers on golf course in northern woods in autumnImage used under license from Freestock.com<a href="https://www.freestock.com/free-photos/dogleg-bunkers-golf-course-northern-woods-1961588">Image used under license from Freestock.com</a>
Guest team's corner of scoreboardImage used under license from Freestock.com<a href="https://www.freestock.com/free-photos/guest-teams-corner-scoreboard-3260807">Image used under license from Freestock.com</a>